"Next Generation Giovani"
/Image credit: Andrew Meares
Sardinian Cultural Association promotes the release of the Book: From Abbott to Turnbull - A New Direction?
“Jennifer Curcio, founding Member of the SCA’s ‘Next Generation’ giovani initiative launched in August, 2006 as of late, has been living in Thailand. With the support of the SCA she is promoting the abovementioned beautifully written book from a total bipartisan perspective, due to it being a very informative factual accent of recent events in Australian Federal Politics.
If you can think of any friends, family, colleagues, etc who are ‘Political Tragics’ like me that would be interested, I would love for you to share it, at the same supporting Jennifer.”
The book, which has recently been released in paperback, can be purchased online at a cost of $AU29.95 (inc. GST) plus postage or via eBook at a cost of $AU9.95 (inc. GST).
Jennifer states -
“The book features 16 essays from top policy experts and political commentators, including Michelle Grattan of The Conversation. Topics explored include: asylum seeker policy, education, the role of the independents in the Senate, the environment and the changing face of the Australian electorate. It’s a very timely release and the final four chapters have been written to reflect the outcome of the recent tight federal election.
At the 2013 election, many Australians expressed their concern with the chaos that surrounded the Labor minority governments of Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd. They gave their support to Tony Abbott as a Prime Minister who promised to put the grown-ups back in charge with stable and strong government; a government with no surprises. However, Tony Abbott’s government proved to be anything but stable and Abbott’s party replaced him with Malcolm Turnbull within two years. Promising a new direction, Turnbull committed to a new style of leadership, an end to policy on the run and a more open government. Discussion in the book focuses on issues that invite readers to consider whether or not the change from Abbott to Turnbull did provide a new direction for the government, a matter that occupied many voters as they considered their vote in the July 2016 double dissolution election.
Thank you so much in advance for your support”